
How is Brie Made?

Published April 26th, 2023 by Ambassador Foods

If you enjoy eating brie cheese, you may be wondering how it’s made! Brie cheese is a type of cheese that is common but has a lot of mystery around it.

It is very different from other kinds of cheese that you may enjoy. That is why you may want to understand how brie cheese's made and how it is best eaten.

Keep reading to find out how is brie made and how it can be enjoyed.

What Is Brie?

Brie is a French cheese that is soft and ripe. It's considered to be a delicacy as it has such a different flavor and texture than other types of cheese.

It has a rind on the outside protecting the rich and creamy cheese inside. Because of this, it has a different appearance than most cheese and it's served differently.

It’s described as having an earthy aroma with a very creamy texture. Although, different kinds of brie cheese can have different flavors depending on how they're made.

Brie is very buttery and has several notes of nuttiness and mushrooms. It is often compared to Camembert, which has a similar taste and texture, but it is important to not get these cheeses confused as they definitely have their differences.

How Is Brie Cheese Created?

How brie cheese is made may surprise you. The process begins by using either pasteurized or raw milk from cows.

Enzymes and rennet are added to the cow milk to help it coagulate and curdle. Yeast culture is also added to help create the white mold.

When the curdles form, it’s cut and put into molds with the excess whey drained off. It will then be brined to reduce excess mold growth and regulate the acidity.

The cheese will be left to rest for a week, allowing the rind to start developing. It will usually develop a firm rind within 4 to 5 weeks, making it ready to be eaten.

Can You Eat Brie Rind?

Now that you know how is brie made, you may be wondering if the rind is edible. This is a common question since you may not want to waste this part of the cheese.

The good news is that the rind is perfectly edible, and many people enjoy it. It is much more firm than the brie cheese, but it still has plenty of that delicious flavor.

It is actually considered to be more proper to serve brie along with the rind. This will give you the full experience without wasting any of this precious cheese.

How Do You Eat Brie?

You may have other questions about brie, such as whether you should eat warm brie or cold brie. This is understandable since many people are unfamiliar with this cheese.

One of the best things about brie is that it can be enjoyed in multiple ways. You can enjoy it cold right out of the fridge, or you can heat it up to enhance the creaminess.

If you have never eaten brie before, you may not know how to serve it. The good news is that there are multiple ways you can enjoy brie depending on your personal taste.


A very common way of enjoying brie is with appetizers. You may serve brie cheese along with crackers or pieces of fruit.

Like many kinds of cheese, brie pairs perfectly with a variety of fruits and nuts. It also goes well with prosciutto and salami or slices of French bread.

Brie is a very common option for charcuterie boards since it pairs so nicely with other foods. It provides the perfect mild and creamy cheese that isn’t overpowering.

Cheese Dishes

You can also use brie in a variety of cheesy dishes. Some people use this cheese in pasta dishes or with upscaled grilled cheese sandwiches.

It is also delicious paired with sautéed figs or baby potatoes. You could also add brie to a salad for a touch of creaminess.

How to Serve Brie

If you are going to be serving brie, there are a few things to know. The first thing you need to do is bring it to room temperature if it has been in the fridge.

Once that has happened, you can remove the wax paper wrapping and prepare to serve it. If you are serving it for guests, it is best to slice it into individual servings.

If the brie is going in a recipe, you can scoop out the cheese inside the rind. If serving the cheese individually, it is important to leave the rind on.

Slice the cheese like you would a pizza, with wedges rather than slices. The rind will help to hold the creamy cheese intact so that it is easy to eat.

How Is Brie Made: Everything You Need to Know

Wondering how Brie is made is actually a common question that people have if they are cheese lovers.

Even though brie is fairly popular, a lot of people still don’t understand much about it. They may not know how it is made or how they should serve it.

The process of making brie is quite simple and involves a curing process. This allows the cheese to develop the outer rind that protects the creamy cheese inside.

Are you interested in purchasing high-quality cheese options? Contact us today at Ambassador to view our high-quality products.

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